I AM HERO is a career platform. Connecting people and companies in a smarter way through our AI algorithms. We don’t match jobs to people — We match jobs to personalities.
Create your hero profile and let your superpowers shine.
You need more than just employees.
You need Heroes…
And this is the right place to find them.
You need Heroes…
And this is the right place to find them.
I am hero
Don’t miss our ICO Updates!

IAH Superhero Booster Initiative
Welcome to the IAH Superhero Booster Initiative Each one of us carries a unique creative potential! There are times in which some of us are challenged by nature, circumstances or otherwise, in the ways we are able to express ourselves or contribute to society with our unique talents. However, no circumstance or environment is able to suppress our inherent talents or abilities to express ourselves.
27 / 12 / 2016

Startup Con 2018 Cologne,

We are very proud to have been accepted to participate at the Aufschwung show in Frankfurt.

IAMHERO will be participating in the Startup Village show

Freelancing Is not an easy Job ‼

IAMHERO Inc is hitting the Job search Market running with its New AI Assisted Matching Engine

AI is fascinating

The new way of getting that
What is Iamhero
Iamhero was created to solve the major problems which have perturbed the job search industry since its inception. We studied all the elements which were of most concern to users of job search services, methods and resources being made available to Jobseekers, Employers and freelancers. Our Team of highly qualified professional programmers have innovated and optimized an AI driven matching engine on a secure base platform for over a year while developing optimal solutions to address and solve every problem the job search industry revealed, whether in methods, resources, efficacy, cost efficiency, processing speed, internet & Mobile compatibility, social media connectivity, communications optimization, database security, esthetic visual quality, global scalability, special unique feature development and much more. The result is an outstanding service which, although still in development, offers several basic features that are finally ready to launch such as the resume services, the linking potentials and a few other essential and practical features!
There’s no better way to fully understand what we’re creating here than to setup your own free account and test drive the system as it’s being created. We invite you to setup your personal profile resume and experience this new technology first hand whether you are a Job Seeker, an Employer or a freelancer. Welcome to the new way of fulfilling your needs in this fast rising online industry.
Heroes are passionate about what they do!
Everyone is a hero in their own way. What makes a hero is when someone with talent in a certain domain is matched with a job/task which allows them to grow and expand their inherent abilities. This way they no longer work but live their passion every day and as a result, they become masters at what they do and they experience constant joy while providing most valuable services to everyone.
How our IAMHERO Coin goes to work for you.
IAH proposes a new platform which addresses a new methodology to solve market problems and constraints. The (IAHC) transaction System, now in development, will have a revolutionary effect in the international market, allowing quick, secure and legitimate transactions to be processed and completed in seconds where before, these were simply impossible… IAMHERO Inc is coming forward with solutions which put an end to the impossibilities formerly encountered by the marketplace, such as those which the actual (Trans-Border) business model could not solve. Please watch this short detailed Video to see just how IAMHERO is moving ahead toward solving these problems and more!
Features available with IAMHERO
Aside from the free resume profile, AI assisted matching on autopilot, the ability of viewing job offers and the free Employer’s profile account, IAMHERO also offers special premium features such as:
Video representation
Create a short video here or upload one from any other source. Introduce yourself in a way that reflects your most natural state. We suggest you keep it under a minute long for best results.
My active resume for employers
Your Active resume is an aesthetic overview of your competency information which keeps your personal and confidential information private.
Me as a person profile
This feature allows you to add your social media links, blogs and video links to your profile to enhance your personality traits and create a warm relationship right from the start!
Custom Linked pdf using online resume
Your personal link can be shared with your resume (for example, iamhero.io/mark.rossberg ) or also as a downloadable and printable *.pdf file attachment.
A direct ‘Chat with employer’ feature
The direct chat feature allows you to open a live chat with a potential Employer to discuss conditions and benefits.

We’ve decided to utilize one of the most powerful programming languages — Ruby on Rails. Our team of programmers have years of experience in that programming environment which they have used in previous large projects very successfully.
Ruby stands with Rails between these two extremes. With perfect object orientation and a good Model View Controller (MVC) implementation, the code can be maintained and expanded very well. You also need much less code than a comparable Java application; that means the development time is much lower.
Since Ruby is an interpreted scripting language, it also has a positive effect on the development time and the learning curve.
Distribution of tokens
- Symbol : IAHC
- Total amount : 2 billion
- Type : ERC20
- Sales total : 500 M
- Token price : 1 ETH = 70,000 IAHC
25% : Sold during the ICO
50% : For distribution to incentivize the ecosystem.
15% : Allocated to stakeholders (advisors, the community, the team)
Distribution of tokens

Here you can look at internal pages:
Examples of resumes
2015–01–05 Inception of the idea
2015–04–01 Concept Formulation
2016–02–24 : Public Page Design Begins
2016–10–25 : Campaign Development Launch
2016–12–01 : Internal Pages & Architectural Development
2017–01–01 : Frontend Design Complete
2017–02–02 : Backend Programming Begins
2017–07–01 : Frontend Html Version Complete
2017–08–02 : Frontend Pages go online
2017–08–25 : Introduction Video Complete
2017–08–26 : Completion of Tensorflow AI backend integration
2018–02–20 : ICO Whitelist Sale Start
2018–03–19 : ICO Pre-sale launch
2018–04–20 : ICO Sale Start
2018–06–01 : Exchange Token Sale
2018–11–01 : Full Launch with complete site functionality )
2018–12–01 : IAHCOIN System Integration (Beta)
2019–03–01 : Token system integration finalized
2018–06–01 : Start in Europa ( European Launch )
By Bitcointalk User Name : Alfagih
Bitcointalk Profil link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1378633
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